This sounds sooky, and it is, but I have never felt so sick before (or at least in a long time). I still have this awful cough but now I am able to do more things other than watch tv and sleep. Just don't make me laugh because I cough and cough and cough. Stupid thing is, I have been watching tv on Foxtel and all those old classic comedy shows like
HEY DAD! I just laugh and laugh and cough and cough. Poor Thomas has no idea as to what is going on!
Anyway, I am feeling better now!
Last night Mick, Thomas and I walked up to our local Chinese restaurant. It was great fun. Tom walked a good 100m from our house up the street. He also walked some of the way home after we stopped to play in the park. How bad do I feel? We have this little park no more than 100m around from my house and I have never taken Tom there. Well he loved the swing. It has a swing set where a toddler/child can sit and swing and an adult (as big as me, I tried it) can sit and swing. I am going to take him there later today! He just LOVED it!
Will update with some more later.