Isn't it sad when you think you have a friend or friends and they have big news but you always seem to be the last one to find out (in fact they never tell you themselves.....)
Just venting. Had a HORRIBLE, NO GOOD, TERRIBLE, BAD DAY today.
While I was driving to work today (in my sister's car as we swap when she minds Tom), I became increasingly frustrated at the topic of conversation on the radio. Jackie O from Today FM wanted listeners to give their opinions on stay at home mums as opposed to full-time working mums. I was frsutrated at the idiodic banter that went on between 'mothers' as they rang up to debate the issue! Stay at home - yes I would if I could but we have chosen otherwise and I have to deal with that. Go to work full-time - well yes, I am and that is that! Do I love Tom any less? No! Am I missing out? Probably. But again, this is a choice I have made with Mick. And I know whilst I say I would love to quit work, I would be bored. Now go part-time? Yes.... I'd like to try that!