I want to preface this post with an apology. If you are not interested in reading my rambling, then I apologise (and suggest you skip the post altogether).
Today is officially the first day of my holidays and I was busy. I don't get tired of people cracking jokes about my holidays - I just think they're silly and perhaps jealous. I certainly do feel like I have earned this one though (but I won't go into that).
Now... my 'real' work started today (and yes, I am being a tad sarcastic).
Woke to Thomas calling, "Mum...muuuummmm! Mum... Mum, Mum!' Such a nice way to wake up and hear my boy talking to me. We got up and started to do some things around the house. Tom and I sat down to have some breakfast. He helped me by putting the plates and cups on the table (all with me just asking him to do those things). He tried to take the BIG tin of MILO to the table but didn't succeed - I think it was too interesting and he wanted to play with it.
We had peanut butter on toast today. Tom licked his off. I don't think he really likes it because he kept turning around to the toaster and kept saying, "Toast?" Mmm, keep that in mind for tomorrow then!
It is so funny when I get his MILO ready. I know I do it differently to his Grandma. He drinks it well - and without a straw! Mind you, it is hardly MILO at all and still tastes like milk.
I ended up getting him a piece of cheese because he wasn't all that keen on the peanut butter. He ate that and then decided to play with it. When I was up at the sink cleaning up, I caught him trying to tip his leftover milk into my glass AND milk went EVERYWHERE. AGAIN, NOTE THAT FOR TOMORROW.
After brekkie, we played with some puzzles and the threading thing. We also read some books. Thomas now has his own little bookshelf so he can get his own books. When I get the camera working again (batteries, I will try and take some photos of the things I talk about.
I had a mountain load of washing to do and am still going. Our 7.5kg washing machine broke down and we have been using this small one which can't hold anything more than 3 large towels. So frustrating!!!!!!! And the weather - even more frustrating in terms of drying things. I have asked Mick to not let us get to that stage again with the amount of washing. Funny how it could be done during the week days but just isn't. Also, to give you an idea on how much there was, let's just say a LOT! I had to drag it into the kitchen area to sort it into piles. Tom thought it was a game and started diving on the piles - hilarious.
Thomas is such a great helper around the house. He knows where things go and he knows how to to do thins and how to put things away!
This afternoon, Thomas painted! Three canvases in total - and all red paint. I am redoing the front bedroom (spare room) in whit and red (minimal red). Red is my favourite colour and it will be my project for the holidays. Although unlike Mick (and if you read this Mick, you know not to take offence) - I AM GOING TO GET IT DONE (as opposed to gunna, or it will get done).
Now you can hold me to that (I hope).